Newell Hillis Long Award

Each year, the Marching Hundred honors an alumnus/a with the Newell Hillis Long Award during Homecoming festivities. This award is given to the alumnus/a who the committee believes best exemplifies the high professional standards and contributions set forth by Long.

For decades, Long devoted his gifted talents and prized technical knowledge to IU as teacher, administrator, composer and arranger, loyal alumnus, and dear friend. The recipient of the Newell Hillis Long Award represents attainment of excellence and is honored by his/her colleagues, just as the Marching Hundred is honored a hundredfold to count Long in its musical and personal heritage.


1985    Ralph Norwood Scroggs

1986    Ronald Fredric Elmore

1987    Edgar Leon Axsom

1988    Darlene Jean Pratt

1989    Robert D. Watt

1990    Janis Marie Stockhouse

1991    Robert H. Austin, Jr.

1992    Alan Chepregi

1993    Phil Ferguson

1994    Nick Michalares

1995    Theresa Ann Steele

1996    Joel S. Krueger

1997    Teresa A. White

1998    D. Matt Hankins

1999    Fred Behning

2000    Paul Addison

2001    Ed Herran

2002    Bob Magnuson

2003    Brad McQueen

2004    Steve and Jenny Sonafrank

2005    Ra Anna Robertson

2006    Dan McNally

2007    Larry Lafferty, Gary Dowty

2008    Kevin Cottrill

2009    Joseph Fickle

2010    Russell Smith

2011    Stephen McCord

2012    Leah Moebius Trigg

2013    Earl Woodworth

2014    Philip Rowe

2015    Sean Christie

2016    Jann Fujimoto

2017    Michael Hankins, Steven W. Pratt

2018    C. Les Miller

2019    Alan Olson

2020    COVID-19. No award this year.

2021    Rick and Mike Mlynarski

2022    David Finkel

2023    Gayle Paluch-O’Day

2024    Bang Co